Biography of Catherine Paiz

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Catherine Paiz was born in Montreal, Canada, on August 24, 1990. Dolores Catherine Johnston Paiz was the name given to her by her Panamanian parents. Catherine is the youngest of three siblings, with two younger brothers and a younger sister.

She spent the majority of her childhood in Montreal before relocating to Florida to be closer to her mother. Paiz rarely refers to herself as Dolores, owing to her mother’s influence.

Catherine’s father made a hasty vow to Catherine’s mother’s foster mother that they would name their daughter Paiz after her. Paiz’s mother objected to the name Dolores being given to their daughter, but Paiz’s father had to keep his word.

Paiz’s mother was unconcerned, but she insisted on addressing her daughter by her middle name. Paiz gradually became accustomed to having Catherine as her first name as a result of her mother’s influence, and she chose to ignore the name Dolores.

Paiz participated in athletics throughout her school years, and in high school, she was a member of the soccer, hockey, and volleyball teams. After graduating from high school, she enrolled at St. Louis University.

Paiz began modeling when she was 16 years old.

At the age of 16, Catherine won her first modeling contract with Victoria’s Secret. She then worked at an ice cream store for a short time. In 2013, Paiz went on to model for Azzelia Swimwear. She went on to acquire more modeling assignments and establish herself as one of the industry’s top models. Paiz also served as a VIP manager at Arkadia Miami at one point. In a YouTube video, Paiz stated:

“I’ve worked my entire life.” Since I was about 16, I’ve always had a job. I also did not attend college. After high school, I travelled to China and stayed for a long time… I returned home and immediately got to work. I relocated to Miami and managed a venue, as well as working at a hedge fund and doing a variety of other things.”

Paiz’s modeling career gave her a lot of exposure, and she soon obtained several acting roles. You Can’t Have It, Monday Nights at Seven, and Lilin’s Brood were among her films. Paiz has used her modeling career to expand her social media following. She built a following by publishing photographs of her beautiful body as well as photos of herself with Austin.

Catherine had doubts about her relationship with Austin lasting.

Catherine and Austin met during a dinner gathering, and McBroom fell in love with Paiz right away. Paiz, on the other hand, wasn’t feeling it as much as Austin. She grudgingly consented to go on a date with him, and Austin professed his affections to Catherine after a short period.

Paiz dismissed Austin’s statement of love because she didn’t believe their relationship would last. When asked how long she expected the relationship would survive, Catherine responded on YouTube with the following:

“Not quite as long as it has been. Or at least that’s how it’ll be. And here’s the thing: there’s a purpose for it. It’s because every relationship we’d had up to that point had always ended when we met. As a result, my first assumption was that it wouldn’t endure because it hadn’t in the past. And it was at a period in my life when I thought, ‘I guess I’m going to be unmarried for the rest of my life.'”

Paiz, on the other hand, came to know that, no matter how much she tried to resist it, she and Austin were destined to be together.

Together with Austin, she founded the YouTube channel The ACE Family.

The couple’s social media following increased to the point where they decided to launch a YouTube channel. They came up with the name ACE by combining the first letters of each family member’s name. The E stood for Elle Lively McBroom, their first daughter, who was born on May 28, 2016. A year after Elle’s birth, Catherine and Austin were engaged.

On July 27, 2016, the family released their first video, The Ace Family Q&A. The channel expanded quickly as a result of Austin and Paiz’s funny prank and challenge films. Paiz stated that the pair was taken aback by the channel’s rapid expansion.

Catherine and Austin gained a lot of fame and riches as a result of the family’s channel’s popularity. It also introduced them to celebrities like Kylie Jenner. The gender reveal party for the couple’s second child, Alaia, was organized by Kylie. On October 20th, 2018, Alaia was born.

Paiz and Austin do not consider themselves a celebrity family, despite the renown that social media has brought them. In an interview with Power 106 Los Angeles, Paiz stated:

“We don’t think of ourselves that way.” It’s amazing how quickly we grew. We’re just like any other family, in my opinion… I wouldn’t call us celebrities, but… Yes, the supporters see us in that light.”

Paiz recently disclosed that she secretly married Austin.

Paiz has been releasing a lot of secrets recently, and on January 3rd, 2020, she revealed that she has been married to Austin for two years in secret. The couple had deceived fans for two years by claiming that they were still engaged. Paiz expressed himself on Twitter:

“Although we’ve shared several memorable moments with the public over the years, our marriage was not one of them.” We married in our backyard in secret a few years ago. We hope to hold a ceremony in the future that will include our parents, friends, and family… But it was just our moment to call our own for a bit.”

Paiz’s Instagram handle has likewise been altered to McBroom. She insists, however, that she did not alter it in preparation of the disclosure. Paiz may have changed her name sooner if she hadn’t forgotten her password for the account. In another tweet, she revealed:

“… I could have changed it a long time ago, but I couldn’t for security concerns, and I also forgot the new account name’s email and password… I eventually made it a point to contact IG and ask them to do it for me.”

Paiz has three children, according to a clairvoyant prediction.

Catherine Paiz’s children

Paiz claims that a clairvoyant foretold that she would live the way she does now. She would have three children, according to the psychic, and she would meet Austin. On the couple’s debut YouTube video, Paiz said:

“Well, a psychic informed me when I was about ten years old that I was going to have three children.” She also informed me that I would be meeting Austin. And I didn’t realize that until later, after I met Austin and everything that happened in our lives, that the psychic was correct in everything she stated. And I absolutely forget about it until it happens. So she told me I was going to have three.”

Paiz is on track to fulfill the psychic’s prediction after announcing that she and her husband are expecting their third child. Catherine captioned a snapshot of her developing baby bulge on Instagram, ”

“I wanted to keep you to myself for as long as I could, and now, after all these months of quietly spending time with our family, I am overjoyed to share you with the rest of the world.”

“I am the happiest parent in the world with two gorgeous princesses and soon to be handsome son,” Austin wrote in a remark.

On June 20, 2020, Paiz gave birth to the couple’s first child. Austin shared the news on Instagram, and the family’s YouTube channel later featured Catherine’s labor and delivery. Catherine and Austin are overjoyed that the delivery went well.

The children of the parents have already formed a bond with their younger brother. Paiz recently shared a snapshot of her three kids on Instagram with the statement, “My entire universe in one photo.” My angels treat him with such gentleness because they adore their brother!! He’s flawless… God, thank you.”

She had her first anxiety episode at the age of thirty, as a result of a trauma she had endured when she was four years old.

Catherine recorded a video on May 26, 2021, explaining her mental state over the previous few months. She compared herself to an atomic bomb on the verge of exploding, but in a nice way. Paiz confessed that she experienced her first anxiety episode when she was 30 years old, and it was a bad experience.

“I used to say, ‘I have anxiety,’ but I had no idea what anxiety was,” she explained. “I’ve never had an anxiety attack.” This year, at the age of thirty, I had my first anxiety episode, and let me tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks. ‘Is that what anxiety is?’ I wondered. I can’t believe this has happened to individuals.”

Paiz was trembling, shivering, gasping for air, and sobbing hysterically, but she had no idea why. She later discovered that she was going through a trauma she had had when she was four years old, which she hadn’t thought about in the 26 years afterwards. On the rare instances that it occurred to her, she disregarded it as a figment of her imagination or a nightmare.

“When I was relieving that time, I had my first anxiety attack, which I had entirely forgotten about, and the only reason I remembered was because of my former life regression,” she revealed.

Paiz came to Austin’s defense after YouTuber Cole Carrigan accused him of sexual assault.

Austin has been embroiled in a number of disputes over the years, but none compare to the allegations made by YouTuber Cole Carrigan. Cole claimed Austin had sexually assaulted him in a film titled The Truth About the Ace Family.

“If you haven’t heard, I’ve lately been a victim of extortion, defamation, and slander,” Austin wrote on Twitter in response to Cole’s claim. I knew this was a chilly world, but I never expected something so upsetting to happen to me.”

Paiz also defended her husband on social media with a message of her own. “I’m not sure who’s the worse,” she wrote. Who is more likely to believe it: the one who photoshops conversations or the people who believe it? NEXT. You’ll never be able to break us. I nearly died from laughter…”

Paiz confirmed that she had breast augmentation surgery.

Paiz was suspected of undergoing some form of physique augmentation surgery for a long period. Paiz eventually admitted to having a breast augmentation operation. In an Instagram post, she stated:

“I’m getting a lot of emails about my breast augmentation, so I figured I’d share – I had the process around three years ago and went with saline, under the muscle, and an incision through the armpit… I’m really forthright about it, and despite the fact that I didn’t need the treatment, I have no regrets. “Life is too short to waste time doing things that make you happy.”

Paiz is also said to have had a nose operation, but she hasn’t commented on the reports.
