Oscars 2023 ratings increases viewership by 2 million after WillSmithsslap

Publish date: 2024-05-03

The Oscars 2023 saw an increase in viewership, with initial data from The Nielsen Company showing an average audience of 18.7 million total viewers and a 4.0 rating among adults 18 to 49. This marks a 12% increase in total viewers from the previous year. The broadcast outperformed other major award shows such as the Grammys and the Emmys.

Despite the ratings boost, this year’s numbers are among the lowest in Academy Awards history. The ratings peaked in 1998 with 55.3 million viewers and the last time the broadcast had more than 20 million viewers was in 2020. Last year’s broadcast, which had no host, had the lowest ratings with 10.4 million viewers.

Oscars producer Glenn Weiss expressed his hopes for a successful show and mentioned that the evening was overall a success. He praised host Jimmy Kimmel for keeping the show lighthearted and entertaining, and for guiding the audience through a rollercoaster of winning speeches.
