Savio Vega Compares Backlash Return Pop To The Rock & Stone Cold

Publish date: 2024-05-03

WWE Backlash included some incredible moments, including the brief returns of Carlito and Savio Vega. Fans in Puerto Rico delivered an incredible performance as they watched the action develop in front of them. That being said, their response could be compared to even the most enthusiastic Attitude Era audience.

Savio Vega’s Backlash appearance was orchestrated by Damian Priest and Bad Bunny. WWE actually locked Savio Vega and Carlito down about two months in advance.

While speaking to Steve Fall, Savio Vega walked the interviewer through his Backlash cameo. It was perfectly set up to bring fans to a fever pitch.

“Brother, you see the explosion of the people when they see my face. I mean, that was a boom. It’s obvious there was going to be some reaction, of course, but that was a big-time reaction. At this point, they don’t know Carlito is coming down. During the match, Carlito showed up to help Rey Mysterio and Bad Bunny, and boom. In the middle of that, here comes the music of Savio Vega, and boom. That was crazy. That was an out of the ordinary pop. They compared it to the pops of The Rock and Stone Cold.”

The WWE veteran went on to say, “The guys in the back went crazy. ‘What the hell happened there?’ They started telling me, ‘Brother, what the hell did you do? You come as an invited guest and now you steal the show.’ ‘Well, Puerto Ricans do that.’ I joked with the guys.”

Savio Vego appeared in a backstage segment earlier in the night. He was in a suit and handed Bad Bunny a kendo stick with the Puerto Rican flag on it. Fans were not expecting to see him again, let alone after Carlito’s cameo.

Fans in Puerto Rico gave WWE a tremendous reception. Now, we have to wait to see how long it will be until WWE brings them another big event.

What’s your take on this situation with WWE Backlash? Was it the greatest crowd in recent WWE history? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
