"Rhea Ripley is less over than she was three months ago" (Exclusive)

Publish date: 2024-05-04

WWE, under Triple H's control, has received praise for certain creative decisions over the past year; however, Vince Russo has pointed out that babyfaces being booked stronger is hurting heels, especially in the women's division.

The next PLE on the calendar is Payback, scheduled to happen on September 2nd. Out of the six matches currently confirmed for the event, two feature four top female stars from the RAW roster.

Trish Stratus will take on Becky Lynch in a Steel Cage match, while Rhea Ripley will defend the Women's World Championship against Raquel Rodriguez. The feuds have been given ample attention on TV, with both Raquel and Becky getting the upper hand over their rivals on this week's RAW.

Vince Russo explained the problem with booking babyfaces to be on top days before a big event and said it was why talents like Ripley had lost considerable momentum.

"I don't know why the babyfaces are up going into the big show. I don't understand that logic at all. Why is Raquel Rodriguez up? Why is Becky Lynch up? Do you ever notice as time goes on with this booking and writing, the wrestlers are less and less over. Rhea Ripley is less over than she was three months ago." [47:00 – 49:00]

WWE continued the build for Payback with some big moments on Monday Night RAW

The episode kicked off with a singles match between Sami Zayn and Damian Priest, which focused on Judgment Day's on-screen issues with the reigning WWE Tag Team Champions.

RAW also featured another solid segment to advance Seth Rollins and Shinsuke Nakamura's world title program. While Nakamura's vignette has earned plaudits online, Vince Russo revealed the one thing he disliked about the RAW angle.

The Miz showcased his mindboggling versatility again with a near-perfect impersonation of LA Knight, the man he is slated to face at Payback. Rhea Ripley's title challenger also had a good night as Raquel Rodriguez had the champion running away from the ring after a Fallaway slam.

The show closed with Becky Lynch and Zoey Stark in a Falls Count Anywhere clash, and despite giving the fans a fairly entertaining main event, Vince Russo wasn't too pleased about the risk WWE took. You can read more on that here.

Please credit Sportskeeda Wrestling and embed the YouTube video if you use quotes from this article.

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