The Haunted History Of Errol Flynn's Home

Publish date: 2024-05-04

The invisible, all-seeing, heavy-breathing spirit of the master of Mulholland Farm sounds like the plot of some bad horror movie. But, don't laugh too soon. According to Insider, the owner of the house after Errol Flynn's death began to notice unusual things. In 1980 the singer-songwriter Ricky Nelson bought the property; he too began to feel weird and uncanny currents in the air at Mulholland Farm. 

In particular, Nelson's daughter, Tracy, would often feel a presence in the house when she was alone. One night she was awoken by a commotion somewhere else in the house, a sound of glass or china breaking and furniture being smashed. The next morning, nothing in the house had been touched. Ricky told her, "Oh, that's only Errol," but disturbingly it happened again. This time, it happened just before the plane crash that killed her father.

Then the ghost allegedly appeared again when Nelson's son, Gunnar, claimed to have caught a glimpse of Flynn sitting on the edge of his bed, according to author Robert Matzen. Family guests saw him too, particularly in the wing of the house where Flynn kept his rooms. Children of friends would inexplicably avoid these areas, but could not articulate why, according to Seek Ghosts.

Whatever ghosts haunted Mulholland Drive, we'll never be able to investigate or exorcise it properly. The house was reportedly burned by squatters and then in 1988, the farm was pulled down. Twenty years later in, 2008 the artist and producer Moby bought the property but sold it at a loss in 2014 (per Variety).
