Adventure Weather: Trail condition update

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Ridge to Rivers released an update on the trail conditions in the Boise Foothills.

Conditions are gradually thawing and drying out as the week has gone along. If you’re looking to get out into the hills for a hike or ride today, here’s what you need to know:

- Lower Foothill trails with either lingering snow or plenty of moisture left in the soil will thaw out by lunchtime at the latest during these sunny days. Sections of trail that get direct sunshine early in the morning are thawing even earlier. Please plan accordingly.

- Most trails in the lower foothills include patches of snow in shadier areas and patches of mud in the sun. Even if the trail seems dry or frozen near the trailhead, there’s a good chance you will hit long stretches of mud further down the trail.

- Sandy trails, like Hulls Gulch or Dry Creek, and all-weather trails, like Owl’s Roost or Eagle Ridge, remain your best choices for a mud-free outing.

- Trails that we observed yesterday that were very muddy by the afternoon included, but weren’t limited to, many of the Hillside to the Hollow trails, Sweet Connie, Polecat, and shadier areas around Table Rock. Please allow these trails to continue drying over the next few days.

Refer to the Winter Trail Use webpage for more information on using the Ridge to Rivers trail system during the winter months
