Where Is Jessica McClure Parents Today? Reba McClure And Lewis McClure Now!

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Publish date: 2024-01-21

Meet Reba and Lewis McClure, parents of Jessica McClure. They now work as rescue workers to help the kids in America.

Jessica McClure was born on  March 26, 1986, fell into a well in her aunt's backyard in Midland, Texas, on October 14, 1987, at the age of 18 months.

For the next 56 hours, rescuers worked to free her from an 8-foot (20 cm) well, about 22 feet (6.7 m) below the surface.

The story drew worldwide attention and was later featured in the 1989 ABC television film "Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure".

Jessica says she doesn't remember anything of that nightmare.

On October 14, 1987, 18-month-old ‘Baby Jessica’ McClure fell 20 feet down an abandoned well in Midland, Texas pic.twitter.com/cXRKPE0wvx

— RetroNewsNow (@RetroNewsNow) October 15, 2021

Where Is Jessica McClure Parents, Reba McClure And Lewis McClure Today? 

Jessica McClure Parents, Reba McClure And Lewis McClure are now divorced. 

Reba, also known as Cissy McClure is now Cissy Porter. Her wedding was privately done and was written on the door of the church of Christ where the wedding took place that no cameras should be brought inside.

McClure is 21 years old now, married since January 2006 to Daniel Morales and a college student. But she will still be the “Baby Jessica,” a 58-hour rescue drama that dictates the attention - and emotions - of the city, the nation, and the world.

Jessica has not done much in nearly 20 years since that day. When she does, she says she doesn't remember her grief.

There were also some casualties related to the rescue. In 1995, Robert O'Donnell, one of the medical personnel who played a key role in pulling Jessica out of the well, committed suicide. Psychologists suggest that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by the rescue.

34 years ago today, we watched rescuers pull Jessica McClure out of well she fell in two days earlier.

It’s amazing what Americans can do when we truly work together... pic.twitter.com/hbpELpTHyj

— BoscoBomber (@shea_roxi) October 16, 2021

Reba McClure And Lewis McClure Now

Reba McClure and Lewis McClure divorced in 1990.

Jessica McClure is herself a mom now. She is blessed by a baby boy and a baby girl.

When McClure turned 25 on March 26, 2011, she received a trust fund, made up of donations from around the world.

She discusses her use for a children's college and the well she buys for her home less than 2 miles (3.2 km) from where she fell.

President Bush participates in the Midland Community Spirit Award presentation. President Bush holds Jessica McClure who tries on his glasses as her parents, Lewis and Reba McClure look on.

01 November 1989

Photo Credit: George Bush Presidential Library and Museum pic.twitter.com/NqUelsEqo5

— Bush Library (@Bush41Library) November 2, 2021

Is Jessica McClure Wikipedia Available?

Jessica McClure Wikipedia page is available under Rescue of Jessica McClure.

Following McClure's rescue on October 16, 1987, surgeons had to amputate a toe due to gangrene caused by loss of circulation while she was in the well.

Jessica had a scar on her forehead where her head hit a well and despite having the incident and 15 subsequent related surgeries she has no direct memory of the events.

In May 2004, McClure graduated from Greenwood High School, in a small community near Midland.

On January 28, 2006, she married Daniel Morales at the Church of Christ in Notre Dame, Texas. They met at the daycare center where she works with her sister. They had two children, a boy in 2007 and a girl in 2009.

