Why A Royal Biographer Thinks Prince Harry Is Pathetic

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in 2018, Lady Colin Campbell has made it a point to comment on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's relationship — and, in line with the reported content of her book, her remarks are often quite controversial.

Lady C has even gone after the Sussexes' child, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, in a way that managed to add race into the mix. In October 2018, Campbell derided commentator Piers Morgan on-air after Morgan asked fellow panelist Paul Burrell how Meghan's child, "the first ever [B]lack royal baby," could meaningfully impact the United Kingdom in terms of race and racism (via Metro).

Campbell dismissed the concept, opining that Archie — whose mother identifies as mixed-race and has a Black mom — could not be considered Black. She then proceeded to compare Archie's multiracial identity to how Adolf Hitler defined people as Jewish — if they were at least one-eighth Jewish by heritage, this made them "racially impure," leading to the deaths of millions during the Holocaust. (This was an incorrect and inappropriate analogy to make, considering the implications of impurity in both cases could feasibly be read as racist and antisemitic.) Though Campbell is ethnically mixed and Jamaican-born, she clearly has a lot of learning about multiracial Black identity to do.
