The Wrinkle-Erasing Face Wand Jennifer Coolidge Uses Is 63% Off for Prime Day

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Skincare tools can be pretty scary. Trust me — I’ve gotten my hands on some of the most beloved devices out there and, after unpacking them, I simply could not move forward with actually using them. Why? Because they seemed too complicated, and I feared that I would do something wrong. I know I’m not alone in this, either; I’ve talked to friends who’ve had the same concerns. Even top-tier skincare tools that cost upwards of $500 and are praised by professionals have scared me away simply because of the high-tech designs. 

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for these devices because the results tend to be incredible, and the investment is 100 percent worth it if you use them consistently. I simply prefer tools that require very little thought and effort, which is why the Solawave 4-in-1 Skincare Wand is among the most used in my arsenal. Ease of use aside, though, it also does so many good things to your skin —, just ask Jennifer Coolidge, who’s also a fan of the Solawave Wand. She once expressed that using it will “make you look like you just rolled around on the moon.” While I’m not totally sure what that means, I think it’s supposed to allude to the fact that you’re going to be super glowy and fresh-faced post use, and if that’s the case, I 100 percent agree with Coolidge.


The nice thing about the Solwave is that it actually combines four essential skincare tools into one easy-to-hold, ultra-compact wand that requires nearly zero effort to use (only a few major points of appeal). The tool tackles a variety of skincare concerns like fine lines, dark spots, blemishes, and puffiness, with red light therapy to rejuvenate the skin and give your complexion a youthful, radiant glow. It also has microcurrent, facial massage, and therapeutic warmth powers which not only aid in reducing signs of aging and inflammation, but also promote better absorption of skincare products. 

The wand usually costs $149, but during Amazon Prime Day, it’s officially the cheapest it’s been in months — or, well, ever — going for a reasonable $55. And no, that’s not a typo. Trust me when I say this skincare staple, which has also been used by Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Megan Fox, Priyanka Chopra, and myself (I’m a die-hard fan and can’t imagine my routine without it anymore!), is the best skin(vestment) you’ll make today. At just $55, you should get two; one to keep at home and one to take on the go with you for whenever you need a midday boost.

Shop the Solawave 4-in-1 Skincare Wand today before the price goes back up tomorrow.
