TLC - Waterfalls Lyrics Meaning

Publish date: 2024-05-07

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Mar 8th 2006 !⃝

In the first verse the song talks about a mother who stands up for her son who is always in trouble. He makes money by drug dealing. A deal went bad and he was shot..."So he goes out and makes his money the best way he knows how, another body laying cold in the gutter."

The second verse talks about a guy who gets AIDS from being intimate with a girl and possibly cheating on his girlfriend. He doesn't really appreciate hi partner..."Little precious has a natural obsession for temptation...she gives him loving that his body can't handle but all he can say is baby its good to me...three letters took him to his final resting place."

In the rap she talks about how people shoot cocaine into their vein to get rid of the pain. It also talks about somebody who commits a murder and is caught, during his trial he claims insanity, but is still locked up..."Is for the folk who can't cope...for shootin' caine in your own shoot and aim for someone else's brain you claim the insane, and name this day in time for fallin' prey to crime,I say the system got you victim to your own mind."

The chorus talks about taking it easy. Don't go after the things that are appealing to you and don't go down the wrong path. Stay on the path that is meant for you and right for. Stick to what you are used to..."
