i Remember | Molly Drake Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-08

i Remember
Molly Drake Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴We tramped the open moorland in the rainy April weather
And came upon the little inn that we had found together
The landlord gave us toast and tea and stopped to share a joke
And I remember firelight
I remember firelight
I remember firelight
And you remember smoke
We ran about the meadow grass with all the harebells bending
And shaking in the summer wind a summer never-ending
We wandered to the little stream among the river flats
And I remember willow trees
I remember willow trees
I remember willow trees
And you remember gnats

We strolled the Spanish marketplace at 90 in the shade
With all the fruit and vegetables so temptingly arrayed
And we can share a memory as every lover must
And I remember oranges
I remember oranges
I remember oranges
And you remember dust

The autumn leaves are tumbling down and winter's almost here
But through the spring and summertime we laughed away the year
And now we can be grateful for the gift of memory
For I remember having fun
Two happy hearts that beat as one

When I had thought that we were "we"
But we were "you and me".

Overall Meaning

Molly Drake's song "I Remember" is a nostalgic and wistful reflection on the shared memories of two people who were once in love. The lyrics describe different moments in time that the two lovers spent together, each one remembered differently by the two people. The first verse takes place on a rainy April day as the couple discovers a little inn together. The landlord gives them toast and tea and they share jokes by the firelight. While the singer remembers the warmth and coziness of the firelight, the other person remembers the smoke. This contrast of memories highlights the fact that even in shared experiences, we each interpret and remember them differently.

The second verse takes us to a summer day, running about the meadow grass and wandering to the little stream among the river flats. The singer remembers the beauty of the willow trees while the other person remembers the annoyance of gnats. The third verse takes us to a Spanish marketplace, where the vivid colors and smells of the fruit and vegetables tempt the couple. They share a memory of the oranges, but again, their memories are different, with one person remembering the sweetness of the fruit and the other remembering the dust.

The final verse reminds us that while the memories of these moments may be different, they are still valuable and cherished. The couple had fun together, and although the relationship has ended, they can still hold onto the gift of memory. The final line is bittersweet, as the singer remembers thinking that they were "we," but in the end, they were only "you and me."

Overall, "I Remember" is a beautiful and poignant song that celebrates the power of memory and the beauty of shared experiences, even when they don't last. It is a reminder that the moments that we share, even the small ones, are precious and valuable.

Line by Line Meaning

We tramped the open moorland in the rainy April weather
We walked with purpose on the foggy plains during stormy April weather

And came upon the little inn that we had found together
We stumbled upon a cozy inn that we previously discovered as a pair

The landlord gave us toast and tea and stopped to share a joke
The innkeeper kindly served us toast and tea and took a moment to tell us a funny story

And I remember firelight
I recollect the warm glow of the fire

And you remember smoke
You recall the haze of smoke emitted by the fire

We ran about the meadow grass with all the harebells bending
We frolicked through the lush meadow, causing the harebells to sway

And shaking in the summer wind a summer never-ending
The flowers shook and trembled in the constant summer breeze

We wandered to the little stream among the river flats
We leisurely walked to the small stream located on the flat riverbed

And I remember willow trees
I have fond memories of the elegant willow trees

And you remember gnats
You hold onto the unpleasant thought of pesky gnats buzzing around

We strolled the Spanish marketplace at 90 in the shade
We walked through the lively Spanish market in the sweltering heat of 90 degrees

With all the fruit and vegetables so temptingly arrayed
All the fresh produce was displayed in a tantalizing manner

And we can share a memory as every lover must
As any couple would, we have a shared memory to cherish

And I remember oranges
I have a sharp recollection of the delicious oranges

And you remember dust
You recall the dusty atmosphere of the marketplace

The autumn leaves are tumbling down and winter's almost here
The fall foliage is falling and winter is quickly approaching

But through the spring and summertime we laughed away the year
We spent spring and summer laughing and enjoying ourselves, causing the year to slip away

And now we can be grateful for the gift of memory
We should be thankful for the blessing of reminiscing

For I remember having fun
I remember having a great time

Two happy hearts that beat as one
We were a content couple who were in sync with each other

When I had thought that we were "we"
I previously believed that we were a unified team

But we were "you and me"
In the end, it was just the two of us together

Writer(s): Molly Drake

Contributed by Lily T. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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