US Woman Shoots Uber Driver Suspected of Attempted Kidnapping

Publish date: 2024-05-08

An American woman has been charged with murder after shooting an Uber driver out of a mistaken fear that he was kidnapping her and driving to Mexico.

The woman identified as Phoebe Copas believed she was being taken into Mexico after she saw traffic signs that read Juarez, Mexico. The incidence occurred in the border city of El Paso, Texas. Both cities lie side-by-side on either side of the US-Mexico border.

According to police, she pulled a gun from her handbag and shot the driver, Daniel Piedra Garcia in the head.

The 52-year-old driver died in hospital after several days on life support.

Copas allegedly called the US emergency number 911, took a photo of the driver and texted it to her boyfriend.

“The investigation does not support that a kidnapping took place or that Piedra was veering from Copas’ destination,” US police statement said.
